Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I haven't been writing much lately because I haven't been feeling the best. Physically had a sinus infection which always trickles down to mental and emotional 'sick'. I know, poor boo-hoo baby. I hate being sick so bad!

But, finally there is light at the end of this mucus tunnel!

On another note, I just wanted to throw out a few things that have taken up space in my head.

1. Like on Sunday, I went to a 'purse party' with a friend which is hot purses sold at ridiculous prices. All kinds and I bought a Coach. Hot purses, hot boots, hot jewelry. So crazy! The women there were all just pawing and pulling out purses from plastic bins. So, afterward my friend and I went to have a late lunch and drinks. She looses her filter when she drinks and it's so funny! She orders this Jameson and peach drink in a PINT glass. Half way through it a group of over 70 year olds (guessing) came in and passed our table. She says loud as life, "I see old people! Are they real?" (Insert Snort-Laughter from me Here. Have you noticed I snort a lot?).

2. We are getting a new vinyl fence put in and it is BEAUTIFUL! I am so happy I could cry! So, I tell my boss about it and she doesn't ask about the fence... Oh no, she wants to know if any of the workers are hot! I am embarrased to say I didn't notice. Is this what 40 does to me? How sad!

3. As you can tell, I've got nothing... just ramble... but, today's word is KNICKERS! Just saying...

Enough for now I guess. Stay tuned for more ramble to come...

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